ECO Data Recovery
Data Recovery
You can call us 7 days a week!
About Us
Florida and Nationwide Data Recovery Service. Specializing in (B2B) Business to Business providing professional, affordable Data Recovery for RAID, NAS, SSD, PC, MAC, USB and Laptop hard drives. We recover data for Government agencies, businesses and home businesses in all 50 states. ECO Data Recovery is located in Jupiter, Florida proudly servicing USA for over 25 years.
Our Mission
ECO’s vision to be the most trusted provider of Data Recovery Services to Government, Businesses large – small and home business customers.
Our Values
ECO’s vision to be the most trusted provider of Data Recovery Services to Government, and (B2B) Business large and small.
- DEPENDABILITY: The quality of being able to be trusted and to do what people expect on a timely basis
- INTEGRITY: Do the correct thing always.
- QUALITY: Provide impeccable service and deliver optimal results
- CARING: Take a personal interest in the success of our clients data

Google is a benchmark for quality and customer service of a company. Here is proof of who we are. Our Google Reviews are excellent.
For the last year we have maintained a 5.0 Google Rating. The best rating you can have with Google.
Our Google weighted average rating for all-time is 4.6 out of 5.0.

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We Recover Data From
Hard DrivesData Recovery in USA
- Unbootable Hard Drive?
- Clicking Noise?
RAID ArraysData Recovery in USA
- Broken RAID Array?
- Inconsistent NAS Drive?
USB DataData Recovery in USA
- Controller Locked?
- Wear Leveling Problems?
Server DataData Recovery in USA
- Virtual Disk Lost?
- Database “Torn Page”?
Solid State DriveData Recovery in USA
- Unbootable Hard Drive?
- Clicking Noise?
VM WareData Recovery in USA
- Broken RAID Array?
- Inconsistent NAS Drive?
NASData Recovery in USA
- Controller Locked?
- Wear Leveling Problems?
SQL DatabaseData Recovery in USA
- Virtual Disk Lost?
- Database “Torn Page”?
What Our Customer Sayabout our data recovery service
“Thank you for repairing the hard drive. We sincerely appreciate the time you spent in ensuring that the drive was able to be recovered properly. Your service was very helpful and gave me a new perspective on available resources. We especially appreciate the constant live communication on a regular basis. We plan on recommending people to you guys whenever the opportunity arises.
Again, thank you so much for your help. We greatly appreciate the assistance you have provided.”
“We were just getting ready to go into the studio when our backup drive crashed with over a year of recordings and video, as well as the tracks for our new album. You guys were awesome, got right on it and recovered everything! Can’t ever thank you enough!”
“Thank you for your great assistance. We were able to get our data back from a severely damaged disk and coupled with excellent customer service and a personalized experience ECO is by far one of the best companies we’ve dealt with…two thumbs up!”
Partial list of our satisfied clients
American Express Bank of Cherry Creek
Citizens Bank
Citibank N.A.
Citibank NY
More Clients
Master Card
Merrill Lynch
National City Bank
Shearer / Penn
Chelsea Hospital
Crozier Medical Center
Jackson Memorial Hospital
Jupiter Medical Center
More Clients
Millard Fillmore Hospital
Henry Ford Hospital
Virginia Medical Collegel
Brigham Young Univ
Central Washington Univ.
College of West Virginia
Emory Univ.
More Clients
Florida A & M Univ.
Georgia State Univ.
John hopkins Univ.
Loma Linda Univ.
Manhattan College
Medical Univ. of South Carolina
Merrimack College
Montcalm College
Rochester Institute of Tech.
State Univ. of New York
Stephen Austin State Univ.
Texas Tech Univ. Univ. of Alabama
Univ. of California UCLA
Univ. of Cincinnati
Univ. of Delaware
Univ. of Denver
Univ. of Illinois
Univ. of Maryland
Univ. of Miami
Univ. of Minnesota
Univ. of New England
Univ. of New Mexico
Univ. of North Carolina
Univ. of Oklahoma
Univ. of Texas
Valdosta State Univ.
Bayer Corporation
Bell Controls
Bridgestone / Firestone Inc.
More Clients
Carrier Co.
CMP Media
Conrail Dana Corp.
Donegal Mutual Insurance Co.
Carrier Co.
Dow Chemical
Dresser Industries
Dun & Bradstreet
Eastman Kodak
Eaton Peabody
Eli Lilly & Co.
Emerson Electric
Entex Information Services
Ericsson Inc.
Ernst & Young, LLP
General Electric
Great Western Life
H & R Block
Harris Corp.
Hughes Training Inc.
Huntsman Polypropylene
Inacom Info Systems
I-Net Ingram Industries
ITT Automotive
Kemet Electronics
Lockheed Martin
Lucent Technologies
McDonnell Douglas Aerospace
MCI Telecommunications
Mitsubishi Electronics, America
Moore Graphics Service
Nissan Motor Corp.
Northrop Grumman
Octal Communications
Osram Sylvania
Owens Brockway
Parker Hannifin
Pioneer Technologies
Pratt & Whitney
Prentice Hall
Price Waterhouse
Princess Cruises
QVC – Shopping Network
Racal – Datacom
Safetran Systems Corp.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sony Electronics
Sysco Food Services
Texas Instruments
The Budd Company
The Grand Union Co.
Thomson Consumer Electronics
Timberland Co
Time Warner Cable
Tomco Plastics
Underwriters Laboratory – UL
Union Carbide Corp.
Unisys Corp.
Universal Studios
UPS Aviation Services
Courts City of Gainesville
City of Milwaukee
Commonwealth of Ky.
U.S Embassy of Vietnam
More Clients
U.S Embassy of Vietnam
Federal Aviation Admin.
Kennedy Space Center
Miami Parking Systems
NASA-Lewis Research Ctr.
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
R.I.State Police Dept.
State of Michigan
U.S. Air Force – Altus AFB
U.S. Air Force – Ft. Pope
U.S. Air Force – Langley AFB
U.S. Air Force – Saudi Arabia
U.S. Air Force – Sheppard AFB
U.S. Army – Ft. Leavenworth
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
U.S. Attorney’s Office
U.S. Navy – E.O.D.
U.S. Navy – NAVICP
U.S. Navy Management Systems
U.S. Office of Personal Management
U.S. Public Defenders Office
West Point
United Nations
V.A.M.C. – Alvin C. York
V.A.M.C. – Howard Hu