Computer Forensic Investigations
Hard Drive Investigation or Computer Forensics is the collection, preservation, analysis, evidence, and presentation of computer-related (Including online, web browsing activities). Computer evidence can be useful in criminal cases, civil litigation, and human resource and employment proceedings.
More information is retained in a computer than people realize. It’s also difficult to completely remove information than is generally thought. For these reasons, as well as others, computer forensic examinations can typically recover lost or deleted information (or at a minimum, find evidence of the information) even when it has been intentionally deleted. ECO Data Recovery Forensic examinations of a computer hard drive go far beyond normal recovery techniques, probing areas and files on the media not normally accessed by untrained personnel. These examinations can locate whatever data a business, agency, or individual needs.
Disk Analysis
Once an Evidential Image has been created of the computers Hard Drive a full Forensic Examination can be completed. This examination will include the recovery of deleted files, pictures, Internet history, and email.
In most cases it is possible to recover information that relates to the burning of CDs/DVDs and or copying of data to other media such as USB Thumb Drives or External Hard Disk Drives.
All Evidential Images are created using Recognized practices and software.
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Or Call for Immediate Quote 800-339-3412 / 561-691-0019
Who needs Forensic Investigations?
ECO Data Recovery Forensic Hard Drive Investigations have assisted law enforcement agencies, law firms, private investigators, government agencies, and human resources departments throughout the country. In this day and age, corporate sabotage and communications, infidelity, pornography, and numerous other situations in which a forensic investigation is required happen more often than ever.
Here is a brief list of what is possible to recover:
.Recovery of deleted hard drive files
.Data recovery even after a hard drive has been reformatted or re-partitioned
- Damaged and encrypted hard drives can be recovered (with key)
- discovery of web sites that have been visited
- Discovery of what files have been downloaded
- Discovery of when files were last accessed
- Discovery of faxes sent or received on a computer
- Discovery of email messages and attachments even if previously deleted
- Recovery of financial records and other documents
We recover and preserve data forensically from most media types and operating systems.
Request an Online Quote below:
Or Contact a Computer Forensic Consultant at:
800-339-3412 / 561-691-0019
ECO Data Recovery providing professional Forensic Data Recovery Services for Government, Large and small business and home businesses since 1995.