I have been a computer data recovery service and computer forensic investigation consultant for over 20 years. My company has been hired by attorneys’ for computer forensic investigations and data recovery services. The forensic investigations run from computer crimes by an employee to divorce cases and everything in between. Computer forensics require the discipline of techniques and principals used within data recovery services and additional disciplines to create a legal audit trail.
The majority of cases come to us ‘after’ the attorney receives a search warrant. The problem is most attorneys’ have very little experience with computers and/or forensic investigations of computers.
Recently I had a case where the search warrant did not spell out properly that we needed an ‘IMAGE / CLONE’ of the hard drive in the computer. The search warrant stated ‘an investigation of the computer’. Herein lies the problem. The opposing counsel interpreted that he could only look at the computer. Furthermore, this was a business with seven computers. The search warrant should have stated all seven business computers including laptops require an “Image / Clone“ of the hard drives.
We use FTK Software one of the industries standard tools that exist for computer forensic investigations. Most of the tools needed to extract suspect data require that the hard drive images be in a forensic lab. This maintains the chain of custody and to facilitate work on the drive. A typical computer analysis is of the media for deleted files, keyword searches, photos and emails relating to the crime. One other point. The time from “search warrant” to actual forensic investigation should be as little as possible.
Trust the professionals of ECO Data Recovery to insure you have the best chance of recovering your data. We offer Flat-Rate pricing for all PC, MAC, Laptops and RAID Server Hard Drives. Very few companies offer you a firm price Up-front before you send in your hard drive for data recovery. With over 20 years of experience in hard drive data recovery ECO Data Recovery is your logical choice for your hard drive recovery or computer forensic investigations.
By Chuck Roover
Contact for more information: Chuck Roover
561-691-0019 or 800-339-3412